1) Good point that EVs alone don't solve problem unless a lot more electricity can reliably be made with clean energy.
2) Few talk about the intermittency and lack of storage problem facing wind and solar. That's why most engineering minds are pushing transitional augmentation with NextGen Nuclear, Carbon-Capture and Storage/Utilization, Biomass, Hydrogen, plus HVDC and molten-salt storage.
3) Hydrogen conversion really helps wind/solar as it acts as a kind of storage/battery. Hydrogen for larger vehicles a much better fit than EV. Hydrogen best hope for running clean semis, planes & ships.
4) I bought my first EV in '88 and belonged to Electric Auto Assoc. We always knew there were limitations, and believed all told they were equivalent to an 80 mpg gas car. Actually 60 mpg plug in hybrids now are the best thing going.
5) There needs to be advances in material science, aerodynamics, electrical transmission, so many areas that non-science people don't understand. This is happening, but slowly.
6) Lay person thinks that EVs and banning gas appliances will solve everything, not understanding that we don't have ANYWHERE NEAR THE CURRENT ELECTRICAL GENERATION CAPABILITY TO SERVICE THIS (Let alone the GREEN ELECTRICAL GENERATION CAPABILITY).
7) Meanwhile, the silly irony is that we will need a lot of NATURAL GAS to produce all this electricity?