1) The importance of Liz Cheney's "Profile in Courage" (jeopardizing her political career for high patriotic principle) cannot be overstated. She's done more than the Dems could have to support rule of law and fair voting (and torpedo Trump, which is maybe half of what we should all stand for). My theory is that she's working off some of the Cheney family guilt (since her father was complicit in some of the Repubs turn to the far-right). She's already softened on gay marriage, if she could similarly soften on climate-change, medicare, and abortion, surely a McCain-like centrist which might be a good way to bring balance back to the Country.
2) Per 17th Century American theologian Roger Williams (my ancestor), Jesus is central to everything as the Old Testament predicts his arrival to reconcile (and broaden) the old Hebrew laws. This alone implies that the Old Testament is inherently "imperfect", as Jesus set about defying the rigid Pharisees and Saddusees, forming a highly coherent set of moral standards based upon tolerance, forgiveness, and free will (I'd almost call him a Liberal Libertarian). Rev Williams later used these thoughts to help create a kind of religious freedom/First Amendment Rhode Island State. Ben Franklin and others carried these religious freedoms forward, obviously to great effect.
One of my takes; https://scottvern.medium.com/were-ben-franklin-and-jesus-libertarians-with-limits-f34f2f911733