Vern ScottIs Milk a Vital, Lifelong Ingredient within a Healthy Lifestyle?There are some modern health indictments against cow’s milk for adults, in addition to bovine demonizations related to greenhouse gas…6d ago6d ago
Vern ScottWill Trump End Up Being the “Robespierre” of the MAGA Mob?The Frenchman Robespierre advocated “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” for the French lower classes in 1789 (and against the elitist Royalty…Sep 9Sep 9
Vern ScottIs the Alzheimer’s Puzzle Like an Agatha Christie Whodunnit?Several are suspected…the boozy, smokey, overweight Colonel Sloth has a history of bad diet, exercise, and lifestyle, Pierre Lymfotique…Aug 17Aug 17
Vern ScottN.O.W. Vs Promise Keepers, and How Not to Lose a National ElectionThe Feminist National Organization of Women (N.O.W.) and Christian Promise Keepers have once again squared off over issues such as…Aug 7Aug 7
Vern ScottWhat Donald Trump Could Learn from Old Television WesternsLately, I’ve been feasting on old Television Westerns, which seem to be an affirmation of a classic American value-system…1) Truth 2)…Jul 20Jul 20
Vern ScottAndrew Jackson and Donald Trump-The Uncomfortable SimilaritiesPOPULISM, HATRED OF “ELITES”, LOST-CAUSE/“STATES RIGHTS” ARGUMENTS, MARGINALIZATION OF NON-WHITE MINORITIES would seem to be the themes of…Jul 181Jul 181
Vern ScottHow Martin Luther’s Protestantism Became a Faith-Based Old Testament CultThe year is 1517, and Martin Luther has just posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenburg Catholic Church. Protestant reformers were…Jul 5Jul 5
Vern ScottRevolutionary War Bounty Land Grants Largely Shaped our Nation’s Development……FOR BETTER OR WORSE. The 1783 Treaty of Paris (which somehow gave the Colonies all the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi…Jun 1Jun 1
Vern ScottDivergent Forces That Shaped Our 1787 Constitution……WHICH WAS NEEDED TO RAISE TAXES TO PAY FOR THE “WAR AGAINST TAXES”. There is a great deal of revisionist misinformation floating around…May 2May 2
Vern ScottElon Musk: Capitalist Tech-Hero or Power-Hungry Sociopathic Menace?Ok, credit where it is due, Musk has done an incredible job promoting clean energy. He’d have you believe he “founded” PayPal and Tesla…Apr 192Apr 192