Potential Trump Policy BoomerangsIt all sounded good during fear-mongering campaign speeches, but now the rubber hits the road on immigration, clean energy, Defense…Jan 21Jan 21
Fire-Fighting Hype Vs RealityPOLITICALLY-CHARGED ACCUSATIONS WON’T FIGHT FIRES…THESE MEASURES WILL. In the wake of the latest round of CA wildfires, there are three…Jan 19Jan 19
Three Historic Hijackings of Christianity……AND ONE “ADJUSTMENT”. Ok Christian historians…let’s begin with the fact that Christianity has been pretty successful by and large. But…Dec 4, 2024Dec 4, 2024
Systematic Plunder of Armenian & Jewish Assets by Ottomans, NazisMost of us know of the appalling slaughter of perhaps 1.5 million Armenians during the 1915 Genocide, and over 6 million Jews during the WW…Dec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
“Midway”, Examining Emmerich’s 2019 FilmI watched this film for the 2nd time last night, and I must say I hadn’t done so many jump-in-the-air fist-pumps since Steph Curry’s…Nov 25, 2024Nov 25, 2024
Tariffs: Good or Bad?I’ll begin by calling tariffs part of a broader issue called “trade restrictions”, which encompass protectionism, import duties, sanctions…Nov 21, 2024Nov 21, 2024
Movies that MAGA’s Right-Wing Populists Hope you Didn’t See…As if Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, and Hirohito were not enough of a warning for the dangers of Right-Wing Nationalist/Fascist/…Oct 30, 2024Oct 30, 2024
“Sword and Sandal” Epics…Which are the Campiest?You can’t beat 50s-60s Biblical/Roman/Christian/Gladiatorial extravaganzas for pure miscasting/anachronistic/history-twisting/cheap…Sep 20, 2024Sep 20, 2024
Is Milk a Vital, Lifelong Ingredient within a Healthy Lifestyle?There are some modern health indictments against cow’s milk for adults, in addition to bovine demonizations related to greenhouse gas…Sep 10, 20241Sep 10, 20241
Is the Alzheimer’s Puzzle Like an Agatha Christie Whodunnit?Several are suspected…the boozy, smokey, overweight Colonel Sloth has a history of bad diet, exercise, and lifestyle, Pierre Lymfotique…Aug 17, 2024Aug 17, 2024