Ah, the faith vs good works dilemma. I suppose they would rather have to be intertwined (ie faith leads to good works or good works leads to faith).
Once I organized a community garden on a blighted inner city lot, which involved some low income people. We were getting kicked off the lot, and I asked our Presbyterian Minister if we could use the land behind the church. She said it was prone to flooding the adjacent day care center, and me being an engineer offered a swap, my gratis repairs for use as community garden. I did my part and problem solved, but when it came to her part, she put up all kinds of conditions and resistance (I told her "gardens aren't on wheels", and that was the end of that). I told her also that many in the church expressed their "faith" through work (actually the true blue ones) and that she'd killed a great church avenue. I was also on Habitat for Humanity board and founder Millard Fuller said it best, "doctrine divides, labor unites".
The church market largely serves the self-righteous, which I believe to be half the sin in the world. Since being burned by this officious minister, I've come to believe the intertwinement of faith/good works, the "What would Jesus Do?" is all that matters (ie the belief is in the doing, words can soothe but they can also get in the way)