Biden is proving to be an energy moderate, as evidenced by his support of wind/solar/electric cars AND the Willow project (sadly, Russia/China alliance puts premium on N American fossil fuel). Many energy visionaries expect wind/solar to be cheaper than fossil fuel (hard to say now, with the intermittency/storage problem). Trends towards "more veggies, less meat" will really help climate change. "Transitional" energy an issue, B. Gates & others favor smaller, NextGen nuclear, CCS natural gas, quick phase-out (or CCS) of coal. Biden's infrastructure bill sees need for HVAC enhanced grid, hydrogen in addition to electric vehicles, rooftop and utility solar. Manchin "punked" Biden's larger goals, but right direction, still much work to be done, if Repubs win in '24 & Rick Perry Energy Sec'y again we're toast.