Chilling that there are forces to the right of Putin waiting in the wings. Increases the chances of nuclear threat?
I guess through a 20th Century Germany lens there are two ways this ends:
1) Negotiated end (like WW I) where Russian far-right feels betrayed, launches another war in future.
2) Ukraine and West keep pushing until Russia on its knees (WW II option), unconditional surrender. If war enters Russia proper (offensive strategy), I'd have to think there would be a Russian resurgence (ie risky, also how does West justify humanitarian goals?).
We are also seeing modern warfare change before our very eyes, "smarter" and more numerous missiles winning, tanks & drones vulnerable, ground troops effective but also vulnerable to increased killing power. At sea, how long can surface ships stand up to modern missiles? Subs launching missiles the answer? Where will jet fighters land safely? Also now more than ever, economics are winning wars.