Forgive me for speaking in less-medical layman's terms here, but there are many articles debunking all the "antioxidants good, free radicals bad" kind of refrains (apparently some free radicals are good, too many antioxidants can be bad, original hypotheses may be linked to oversimplified Linus Pauling-type megavitamin pitches?)
Of course there are many articles singing the praises of flavonoids (and believe me I'm eating my fruits and cacao like crazy, partly due to your articles) but they may work because of a poorly understood thing where when you "punch the body, it punches back harder" effect (like exercise in which body repairs microtears after, chemo which rallies p53 and immune system, etc). Apparently flavonoids may assist exercise in this fashion? Also, per Wikipedia “Flavonoids”, it is stated that <5% is taken in by our bodies, there is little proven anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, or antioxidant effect, yet improvement in endothelial function and blood pressure lowering. Other sources link flavonoids/polyphenols with mTOR inhibition properties. Seems again a “they work but no one is sure exactly why” scenario (honestly, many remedies may be in that category?)
There are also many "if a little is good, a whole lot is better" ideas floating out there, which doesn't make sense as the body generally needs nudges, not roundhouse punches. For instance I take 500 mg of Vitamins C and D daily, but more is shown to have rapidly diminishing returns, if not ill-effects. Some folic acid needed for expectant Moms, but too much could promote cancer? Before we go out and flavonoid or vitamin proselytize, it would be nice to clear up some confusion. Your thoughts?