Funny the reversal of some health orthodoxies in such a short time. I suppose "60 Minutes" is complicit here, as they a) Ran the resverotrol and b) French Paradox segments around the same time, giving wine an unwarranted boost. I live in the Wine Country, and you can see the beginnings of decline (prices dropping, some developers going belly up). Thanks also for skewering the antioxidant myth also, I can remember zealots from both far-right and left trying to lecture me on that (with a sort of religious fervor), about 20 years ago. Its all fine with me, I eat a bowl of berries daily, have maybe 1-2 drinks per week. I suspect my family has an "alcohol-adverse" gene, it never really appealed to us.
I believe the French Paradox may be linked to the Mediterranean lifestyle. There may be huge benefits to a) Eating slowly b) More walking c) more socialization. Ever notice also that "Blue Zones" are usually island communities or near ocean breezes?
We never bought into the "eggs and dairy are bad" theory either (I grew up on a dairy, we once had a 400 hen free-range egg operation). Vindication for my father saying "if milk and eggs are so bad, why did all my ancestors live to be 90?"
I will concede that anything that makes one happy and carefree can improve their health, but it would seem that after the first drink, its all dimishing returns...