Good one. Ruminants have been around a long time, and I suppose if their flatulence was so damaging, the earth would've ended before we arrived. Some additional points:
1) Its not so much the cows that are problematic, but how they are raised. I agree that there are too many on feedlots. It would help for all of us to eat less meat and dairy, raise cattle on grass, and harvest the methane.
2) Several sources (including National Geographic) have said what you are saying. Yet, there seems to be a rabid green-vegan element that overly demonizes cows and "anything that burns" (which really hurst the biofuel sector, which we may need to solve global warming)
3) I've made the point often that more fruits/veggies and less meat/grain are better for health and environment, but we don't need to be green fascists here. Milk, eggs, chicken, beef are great things if sustainably raised and eaten in moderation.
My additional thoughts: