Good post. Why on earth would these traitors (11 in Senate, 42 in House at last count) oppose aid to a Democracy seeking nation against a blatantly lying, fascist and hegemonic bully? (One that flaunts International rules by staging would-be nuclear power plant meltdowns, per recent 60 Minutes). Especially since this aid and sanctions seem to be working, perhaps leading to some sort of regime change. Even as a practical economic move, the West needs to ween itself off Russian/Chinese product (the far right is only onboard with the latter). Trump more or less blatantly agreed to try and end Russian sanctions in return for campaign support (remember that Mueller said Trump was not exonerated). As you implied, what do our Fascist turncoats owe Putin, and why is Russia their model white supremacist Nation? You’re also dead-on in asking a sort of “what happened to the old-line Republicans whom you could count upon to be a united hedge against Russian expansion”?