Hearing lefties like Noam Chomsky and righties like Peterson, T. Carlson, Trump, Bannon blame NATO for Russia's invasion of Ukraine is like hearing the bully that punched you lay blame for getting your face in the way of his fist (though agreed, at least Peterson makes some good points).
This all brings to mind the lefty-righty isolationism before WW II. There were the Pacifist non-interventionists, and the righty Nazi sympathizing non-interventionists (such as Lindbergh and Henry Ford...who blamed American financiers for the sinking of ships by German subs).
I suppose wishing the bully away by blaming others for "not being nice enough to him" has never really worked...he'll be coming for you next!
Russia's Ukraine invasion more or less justifies NATOs previous actions...Sweden/Finland probably figured they had nothing to lose with admission.