I believe there should be utility scale solar AND rooftop solar:
1) The HUGE thing you're not saying is that up to 50% of electricity is lost to transmission (ie utility delivery) and that utilities currently have a hard time with renewable intermittency and storage. Home, neighborhood, microgrid systems with batteries and backup generators could successfully "pool" renewable energy, balance time of use and cut transmission loss.
2) Home installation soft costs are high but need not be, if rooftop solar was built into new housing and/or community arrays built. Big advantage for rooftop, reliable heavier/cheaper batteries can be used instead of expensive, fire-prone lithium-ion. 5,000 W generators can get you through outages or too many dark days (use biodiesel if you want to be "clean" for what little you use).
3) As other respondent said, do you really trust the utilities to set the rates and technologies? Obviously, they are trying to create a sort of energy monopoly.
4) True, homes are maybe only 30-40% of usage, but I've seen 7,000 watt/battery backup/generator systems for $20k, enough to charge your electric car too. As you say, about 10 year paybacks.
5) What ever happened to solar hot water systems? About 5 year paybacks there, decreases photovoltaic/battery dependence.
6) In future, I suppose large HVDC lines built to assist National renewable energy grid, large photovoltaics in deserts, wind farms in midwest, maybe half of us w rooftop, Government takes over grid (for the half that aren't happily "offgrid", while not enough $ in it for utilities, not the greatest scenario but like what happened to public transit) I support utility scale (if we ban gas stoves, a HUGE amount of electricity needed) but utilities desperately need cheap storage (something like molten salt?) and more HVDC.
7) With enormous clean electricity demands about to happen, many ask "why condemn gas when it has a vast distribution network, could be made "green" w CCS/biogas/hydrogen, transitional, backup when power off, used to purge natural methane release, etc etc".
8) Perhaps in 30 years, fusion power will make all of this moot?
My article: