I guess one needs to define "winning" here.
1) There seems to be a cottage industry in the media saying how brave Ukraine is taking down incompetent & boastful Russia. Yet Russia seems to have the capability to bomb Ukraine endlessly.
2) If the West supplies enough weaponry for Ukraine to "win", then does China start supplying Russia with more armaments?
3) I suppose the best thing to hope for is a war of attrition which causes positive regime change in Russia. If Russia is humiliated, they may regroup (with more weapons) and try again. A balancing act for the West.
4) With all the hot air coming out of Russia/China, the Ukrainian conflict is hopefully a lesson learned (that all the bombs in the world can't convince people to give up Democracy/self-determination).
5) Given China's implied threats to shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she visits Taiwan, this could all easily escalate into WW III?