I know its sacrilegious, but I can't help but chuckle when I see the bumper sticker "Warning: I Brake for Jesus", a kind of send-up of all automotive moral pronouncements.
Though many of us aspire to "what would Jesus do?", this also leads to a kind of "humans can only guess at perfection" thought experiment, which also kinda explains why we're all doomed to sin.
After all, Jesus rode a donkey, at best. Its not clear if a 2nd coming would employ a modest VW bug or a bicycle, I suppose that all considered, getting behind the wheel of any car is a minor "sin".
If car-inclined, would Jesus drive at exactly the speed limit, or at the 5 mph above the cops generally allow so as to convenience other motorists? That right their is a moral dilemma between "render under Caesar" and "Let ye without sin" etc.