I researched a similar thread in this article https://scottvern.medium.com/human-co2-contribution-will-destroy-our-planet-or-maybe-not-342befdd57a8 Apparently, Cretaceous Thermal Maximum was much much hotter than now, caused/offset by Milankovich Cycles (planetary tilt/orbit). Similar to what you are saying, phytoplankton thrives on nutrients released by receding glaciers, gobbling up CO2, plus new currents/upwelling cooling oceans absorbs CO2/Methane. It points to a natural cycle that we may not be able to control or may not want to control. In any case, clean energy would seem a wise bet simply because it is clean (healthier, more sustainable). I guess the big question is, if we affect these natural cycles can we do it fast enough, or as Bill Gates says, can we only hope to moderate warming while moving to safer locations?