It is certainly clumsy and stupid of Putin to invade Ukraine, but what worries me is that he may succeed nevertheless. European countries depend heavily on their capitals, and Putin seems willing to level Kiev at any humanitarian cost (including chemical weapons). I'm also worried that 1) This may be a coordinated thing between N. Korea, China, & Iran, who have designs on S. Korea, Taiwan, perhaps Iraq respectively, and know the West would have a hard time addressing all simultaneously and 2) The West is hesitant to act fearing a nuclear war, yet currently they may have geographical/ military/alliance advantage (and surely/hopefully this "evil alliance" is as afraid of nuclear war as we are, but maybe not). Sanctions take time to work, and the Russian people are settling into a simple "them vs us" given the propaganda. Surely this is the cusp of WW III and hopefully Russia/China will come to their senses and negotiate a peace, or Poland/Baltics/Moldava (plus Taiwan and epic destruction/human misery) are next?