Maybe exercise is underreported as a primary preventative since most people don't like to do it, and are hoping for a "pill" that achieves the same effect. However, if one really exercises (I'm talking maybe 6 hrs/wk), you may enjoy these benefits:
1) You'll probably sleep much better
2) You'll probably weather most diseases much better, including Covid (as you state)
3) You can probably enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, donut, cheeseburger, or dessert and get away with it....
4) You'll probably look better, have a better outlook, and maybe even have more and better sex (more exercise?)
5) You’ll probably stand up better to minor aches, pains, and inflammation.
6) You'll likely seek out a cleaner environment by necessity.
In the "PC" of health reporting, no one wants to be "rude" and call out the obese or those with diabetes, but then they may need to take some responsibility since a remedy is immediately at hand...exercise!