Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, but perhaps this rejoinder is food for future article thought?
Each generation accuses the next of being lazy, but what's happened lately is perhaps medically concerning. We officially label it "entitlement" etc, but it may go deeper. I read an article a few years ago saying that youth in PRC are up to 80% corrective lens wearers (the theory being that nerd-dom has prevailed, and by not being outside w exercise your eyes get lazy).
This got me thinking about a great shift in our society towards nerd-dom. Its good that more go to college, but maybe bad that so many don't do chores and exercise along with their education?
In my youth, education, chores and outdoor activity were almost the three legs of the stool. There were many animals and lots of free play. I'm grateful now to learn that this was a healthy choice, then later I marry my counterpart and have a few healthy kids.
Many now are isolated gamers, and as you are inferring, perhaps not destined to have kids along w other neg. health efffects. Nerd-dom is wayyyy cooler than it used to be also (in the old days you were afraid of ridicule in PE or military). This is sort of a sacred cow taboo subject (for fear of offending) but someone needs to trumpet the positive health effects of outdoor activity and chores!
Its always great to be smart, but sports, chores, military can make us healthier and teach a healthy respect, not to mention increasing our abilities to procreate? (for the record, I exercise but also wear glasses...)