Pretty much all vaccines have been wildly successful, it's amazing that people still fear them (though I guess someday there may be an accidental backlash). I can remember when they didn't give boys the HPV vaccine, consequently my youngest has had it, the oldest not. This vaccine only covers a certain range of papilloma viruses, hopefully broader protections will someday be developed. Papilloma viruses are impicated in cancers (as are Herpes Viruses), so broad protections against them are a kind of general health Holy Grail.
I guess the logic for not getting your kids HPV vaxxed is like not letting them know about condoms, etc via Sex Ed...a wishful thinking approach that hopes ignorance/abstinence prevail. The reality is that people are getting married later and the number of pre-marital (and post-marital?) "liasons" are increasing. Its rather amazing that there haven't been more STD outbreaks. Perhaps more vaccines/better contraception/serial monogamy will be the way of the future.