Something I wonder about in my late 60s, "why do elderly women of today look so much better than my Grandma at a similar age"?
1) My Grandma didn't smoke or drink, went to church, lived to 85, but still....
2) People now have less kids, more likely to exercise, better medical, plastic surgery etc
3) People then ate A LOT of fat, used too much Crisco, etc. But for all the fried chicken and pies, my Grandma ate a lot of vegetables and fruits too (fruits more likely to be in sugary preserves though)
4) After the "carbs are better than fats" era of the 90s, we now are closing in on dietary/lifestyle perfection?
I should say though that not all of today's women of similar age look better than my Grandma, only some, looks aren't everything, and my Grandma was the most "to die for" woman I ever knew.