Strange the vitriol aimed at Pelosi (Hillary and Obama), three rather centrist Democrats, yet I will (somehow) try to explain the far-right (il)logic. The "Southern Strategy" has been used to successfully whip up white voter frenzy in the South, first by coded messaging that black (once "Communists", now "Islamists" or other bogey-men) were taking over, later doing the same with "San Francisco Liberal Women". For reasons the rest of us may not quite understand, Southern white males have a deep-seated fear of powerful women (plus liberal California), and Pelosi was chosen to be the poster-girl for this campaign (not Feinstein, perhaps Harris is next?). Nevermind that there are far more liberal black and female politicians (Cory Booker and AOC come to mind), but the more powerful centrists are targeted. Of course, the daily MAGA outrage machine is working overtime to get in the news cycle any way possible (and it works). This evolution would be much like WWF becoming more popular than NFL, with accompanying outrage and rioting (as sometimes seen in other countries, like Indonesia). More MAGA inspired violence coming, of course they will always spin as "Pelosi and Liberals are soft on crime".