Thanks for pointing out something poorly understood in the US, that Russia perhaps ultimately has more of a rivalry with China than the West. A parallel example may have been WW II, where the Soviets did a "feint to Germany" (so as to grab parts of Poland), then of course joined our side (so as to grab Eastern Europe and N Korea, though Hitler was the instigator). During the Sino-Soviet split of the 60s (also a war in 1929), there was a rivalry between the two different Marxist brands (and who was to preside over Hegemonic claims such as Vietnam). All this in addition to fighting over land claims and mineral resources as you say. I suspect the recent Russia-China alliance is already unravelling, each of them perhaps soon realizing they have more to gain by snuggling up to the West and demonizing the other one, a kind of 3-way "musical chairs" or blackjack where the West and China have a few aces up their sleeves? It seems Russia indeed has many fuel reserves, but of no use to them if they don't behave or if the world employs alternatives (renewables or fusion?)