This article may go a bit far, but it is fairly well-known in inside circles that Kamala can be difficult. We want to beat Trump as badly as anyone, and it might be best to face facts and take corrective measures. As Axlerod and Carville are saying, it may be wise to move beyond the Kamala "irrational exuberance" stage and get ready for the tough campaign ahead.
We have a friend that worked with Kamala in the SF District Attorney's office over 20 years ago. He is a reasonable guy, and said at the time how difficult she could be (though in stronger language). There have been other first-hand reports, and then there were reports of staffers quitting her during her campaign.
We witnessed the rise of Feinstein, Pelosi, and Boxer, also knowing people who worked with them firsthand. Boxer was also known as difficult, but seemed to take corrective measures and become quite effective. We never heard anything bad about DiFi or Pelosi, so they have my highest admiration.
This isn't about "demonizing competent women", this is about learning to become relatable in a job that depends upon it, in a historic race against a madman with the future of Democracy at stake.
As responsible Democrats, let's think of ways to overcome this, perhaps getting Kamala to tone down some of her combative tendencies, and learn to act more Presidential. This is probably not an election where she can just show up and win, she'll need to delegate and not scare working class white voters (which Obama did so effectively). It would help also if she could gain some humor and charm (the marks of a confident person).