This Spartacus, though accurate in some regards, seemed more an excuse to show sex and violence between the buff gladiator underclass and rich, decadent Romans (a sort of MAGA vs Elites allegorical prequel?)
The 1960 Spartacus was heavily influenced by the rather Socialistic and anti-HUAC ideals of Dalton Trumbo and others.
In summation, we don't know exactly what happened back then, but we can "triangulate" through the different "Spartacus" lenses.
Thankfully, we have the "real" versions (Plutarch of Chaeronea and Appian of Alexandria) to fall back on, although their accounts must also have had a bias.
I've always wondered if Spartacus could've become a Jesus-like figure, if he'd been attached to some religion (ie Jewish?) He checks many of the spiritual-leader boxes (sticks up for the poor, disciplined, martyred, cool).