Trump's ship is sinking, but still a few scenarios where he gets reelected w failure to indict/name recognition/weak opponents/split votes.
1) Biden is already somewhat enfeebled, doesn't look good for 2024. Dems better hope someone strong and not Kamala (maybe Newsome?) can step up.
2) Trump could lose primaries to DeSantis and declare a third party, most likely hurting Republicans but you never know.
Note that yesterday Trump proposed "Missile Defense Shield" as "Biden has forced Putin to threaten nuclear war". Like the border wall, Trump comes up with these fantasmagorical and vague ideas (it recalls Reagan's "Star Wars"). Never mind that conventional anti missile defenses are only about 50% effective, and there is no technology to shoot down ground-hugging ultrasonics. About 40% of the electorate is gullible enough to believe him, and the guy still gets in every daily news cycle.