We had a half-Russian guest at Thanksgiving yesterday (her grandparents live near Sochi). It always interests me how well we get along with Russian expats. With PRC, "Stan" Countries, and NATO nipping at Russia's heels, I wonder how long it will be before they come over to our side (like in WW II), as they are a Christian Nation and have more in common than not. I think the whole thing was that Soviets got the bomb, and now during this Nationalist wave, Putin is trying to scare everyone with it, yet I can't believe they are still so strong militarily (ie are their 70's era missiles using outdated guidance systems? Good luck with that). In larger scheme, an alliance of Christian and Arab nations might provide a nice pushback against a future Turkic-Sino alliance? (Not sure where Iran fits in). Final note: Will Russia become the "Mouse that Roars?"